Worried about making things worse for your clients with trauma?

 Reduce that anxiety with trauma-informed practice training today.


Anxiety about working with trauma is (perhaps unsurprisingly) relatively common.

No one wants to be doing harm rather than good, and the impact of trauma can be so significant to a client's overall life trajectory.

  • Flashbacks & nightmares
  • Intense anxiety
  • Mental illness
  • Addiction
  • Further traumatic experiences
  • Intergenerational impacts

Learn how to use trauma-informed practice principles to engage clients in ways that can change that script.


You Can Help to Change the Story

Without Changing Careers


Learn how to:

  • Build relationships that help clients to feel calm and safe, so they can work with you better and see a different path
  • Talk about difficult topics without being afraid that you're making things worse
  • Grow and use your professional network to help clients get the right help at the right time
  • Recognise and respond to trauma when it gets in the way of the work 
  • Protect your own wellbeing so you can keep doing the work you love without burning out

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

In Connect, you'll learn how the power of relationships can change lives
and start using it in the work you do every day


~ Connect ~

You Are Ready To Find New Ways to Help Your Clients Succeed?

This self-paced training program will teach you everything you need to know to start building safer, more trauma-informed relationships with your clients. You’ll learn how to:

  • Start your relationship off right by providing the information clients need to know
  • Manage disclosures and reporting requirements while also addressing the needs of the client
  • Factor in the perspective of the client when listening to stories that don't always make sense

With less effort than you might think, you can help your clients gain more stability and make your own job easier in the process.

What's Included...



Before you can help other people, you need to be in a healthy, safe position yourself. In this phase you’ll be considering your own wellbeing from a holistic perspective, to ensure you have what you need to thrive in a challenging field.

  • Understand the term vicarious trauma, and distinguish it from other related concepts
  • Know how to identify signs and symptoms of vicarious trauma in yourself and others
  • Identify services to connect with if you need extra support
  • Consider your workplace’s support for vicarious trauma in staff
  • Apply the concepts of Social-Emotional Wellbeing to your life
  • Generate a plan for strengthening your wellbeing going forward


You will learn the basics of trauma: how it affects the brain, and alters a person’s view of the world. This is the theory that helps guide you when you’re working with clients in real life. In this phase, you’ll…

  • Understand what is meant by trauma and the different types of trauma that can occur
  • Learn what happens in the brain when we experience traumatic events, and afterward
  • Explore some of the mental health diagnoses that can be linked to trauma
  • Start thinking about the principles of trauma-informed practice and how these can be applied in your work
  • Consider risk factors that put some groups of people at higher risk of experiencing trauma
  • Practice looking at situations to hypothesise how trauma could be playing a role


A bridge between the theory of Knowing, and the application of Being, this phase involves specific strategies and techniques you need to put in place once, or know how to use in case they’re needed.

  • Gain clarity on your obligations around reporting abuse
  • Identify the best spaces in your workplace for seeing clients and figure out how to improve them
  • Start your relationship off right by giving clients the information they need to know
  • Know where and when you can refer your clients for extra support
  • Build your professional networks to harness their collective knowledge
  • Consider how clients can more easily engage with your service
  • Learn how to respond if you’re the first on the scene, or the first person someone tells about a traumatic experience
  • Provide resources for clients to help them understand trauma better


When it comes to relationship building, it’s the way you show up for your clients every day that matters. This phase is all about the ways you can be more present and more of a calming presence in each interaction.

  • Learn about grounding and how it can help you and your clients
  • Use the information you already know to personalise the way you relate
  • Microcounselling skills for greater engagement and understanding
  • Exploring difficult topics and asking about trauma
  • Identifying relationship breakdowns and getting back on track
  • Case studies to bring together and apply all the skills you’ve learned


  • Monthly WhatsApp Office Hours where you can chat with me throughout the day to ask questions and get personalised support to put what you are learning into practice (first six months after purchase)

I'm Jo Cahill

I'm a psychologist with a background in Corrections and Child Protection, including working in domestic violence and crisis response. Throughout my career I've been drawn to working with the clients and the issues that just seem too hard. Which, as it turns out, usually means trauma.

It's work that I'm passionate about, and work that I know others are passionate about too.

It's not always easy to find the right training though. So much of what is available is theory only, without helping you understand what it looks like and how to apply it in your workplace and your particular role.

So now I provide online training and support to practitioners from all fields and all locations, to help them make sense of trauma and how it presents in their setting.

"This training is so up my alley. I'm just thrilled to have the opportunity to learn from someone I know and trust and someone who knows her stuff."

- Amelia, Case Management

"The course is so well presented"

- Stacey, Child Protection

~ Connect ~

One-Time Payment


Lower total price

Save $135


Payment Plan


Lower monthly cost

6 payments of $147, total cost $882