Uncover the hidden layers of trauma and transform your approach with Seeing the Signs

Imagine you're working with Jack, a young man referred to your service for support with housing and employment challenges. At first glance, Jack's situation seems to be a straightforward case of socio-economic hardship. However, as you engage with him, you begin to notice subtle indicators that suggest there's more to his story. His reluctance to discuss his past, his difficulty in maintaining eye contact during conversations about his future, and his sensitivity to anything that could be perceived as criticism.

It's only after you've established a trusting relationship over several appointments that Jack opens up about his experiences with childhood trauma.


This experience underscores why understanding trauma's various manifestations is essential. It's not just about the overt symptoms; it's about the quiet avoidance, the unexplained reactions, and the stories untold. For professionals committed to truly supporting their clients, understanding the nuanced impact of trauma is essential for facilitating lasting change and truly meeting individuals where they are.


Strengthen Your Professional Relationships: Equip Yourself with the Knowledge to Recognise and Respect Trauma

In a profession where every client interaction matters, recognising the subtle signs of trauma is essential.

It ensures a safe, trusting environment, which is vital for clients who may have experienced trauma to open up and engage effectively in the process, whether it's therapeutic, advisory, or any other professional service.

And for professionals, there is also a sense of fulfilment and professional growth that comes from being able to truly understand and support clients.

This dual benefit – enhancing both client wellbeing and your professional satisfaction – is at the heart of my course, Seeing the Signs.

Enhance Your Client Interactions with Empathy and Insight

Seeing the Signs is specifically designed for dedicated professionals who seek to enhance their practice with deeper understanding and empathy. This course offers you the tools to identify trauma's influence in your clients' lives, enabling you to tailor your approach for more effective and compassionate care.

I know that understanding trauma and its impacts is not just about enhancing your professional toolkit; it's about responding to your clients with a level of insight and empathy that truly makes a difference. Seeing the Signs is designed to address the complex challenges you face in client interactions, helping you to navigate these with greater confidence and understanding. It’s about ensuring that every client feels heard, supported, and valued.


Instant Access for Busy Professionals

I know your time is valuable. That's why I offer instant access to all course materials. This self-paced course is designed to fit into your schedule, allowing you to integrate this important learning without disrupting your existing commitments or putting your clients on hold.

Practical Knowledge, Immediate Application

Engage with brief, targeted video lessons, each focused on practical aspects of trauma recognition.

Accompanied by multiple case studies and associated audio discussions, these lessons translate complex theory into practical skills.

Interactive quizzes and comprehensive PDF workbooks are designed for you to directly apply this knowledge in your daily professional interactions.

Deep Dive into Trauma Awareness: What's Inside?


Take an enriching learning journey designed to elevate your understanding and response to trauma in your clients.

Seeing the Signs is structured to guide you through the complex landscape of trauma, its manifestations, and practical strategies for effective intervention. Each module combines engaging video lessons, illuminating case studies, interactive quizzes, and comprehensive workbooks to ensure a deep, actionable mastery of the content.

Here's a sneak peek:

Module 1: Introduction

Understanding Trauma - Foundations for Professionals

Start your course with a foundational exploration of what trauma really is and the various forms it can take. This initial module offers a detailed definition of trauma, distinguishing between simple, complex, developmental and intergenerational types, and provides an overview of where professionals can seek additional support and resources. Accompanied by a reflection workbook, this module sets the stage for a deeper dive into recognising and addressing trauma in a professional setting.

Module 2: Fight or Flight?

The Body's Response to Trauma - Fight, Flight, and the Window of Tolerance

Delve into the physiological and psychological responses to trauma, including the well-known fight or flight response and the concept of the Window of Tolerance. Through engaging video lessons and case studies, you'll gain insight into how these responses manifest in behaviour and affect client interactions. An audio discussion complements the material, scaffolding your developing skills in interpreting the situation. A quiz at the end of the module helps solidify your understanding.

Module 3: Mental Health

Trauma and Mental Health - Connecting the Dots

This module explores the relationship between trauma and various mental health diagnoses. Video lessons provide explanations of common mental health conditions linked to trauma, such as PTSD, dissociative disorders, and addiction, supported by case studies that bring these concepts to life. Audio discussions offer further insights, and quizzes test your knowledge, ensuring you're well-equipped to recognise these signs in your clients.

Module 4: That's Not All

Beyond the Obvious - Trauma's Impact on Core Beliefs

Learn to identify the less obvious signs of trauma through its impact on an individual's core beliefs and self-perception. This module uses video lessons, case studies, and audio discussions to illustrate how trauma can alter fundamental beliefs about the world, oneself, and others. Understanding these subtle signs enables you to approach your clients with greater empathy and insight. Quizzes reinforce your learning, ensuring you're prepared to notice these nuanced indicators.

Module 5: What's Next?

From Insight to Action - Creating a Trauma-Informed Plan

Bringing all your learning together, this final module focuses on practical application. Discover how to develop a comprehensive, trauma-informed plan tailored to your workplace and the individuals you support. A planning workbook and video walkthrough guide you through creating effective strategies for intervention, ensuring you're ready to implement your newfound knowledge in real-world scenarios.


Transform Your Practice with Real-World Impact

Seeing the Signs doesn't just expand your knowledge; it transforms your professional practice in meaningful ways:

  • Enhanced Client Trust and Safety: By understanding and recognising trauma, you'll create a safer and more trusting environment for your clients, encouraging open communication and more effective support.

  • Improved Client Outcomes: With the skills to tailor your approach to each client's needs, you'll see better engagement and progress in their journeys, whether you're working in mental health, social work, or any client-focused setting.

  • Professional Growth and Confidence: Elevate your professional confidence as you become more adept at handling complex client situations with sensitivity and expertise.

  • Contribution to Social Change: Equip yourself with the knowledge to advocate for and implement trauma-informed practices within your organisation, contributing to broader societal change towards understanding and addressing trauma.



Begin Your Journey to More Impactful Client Work Today

Seeing the Signs isn't just a course; it's an opportunity to enrich your practice with the understanding and empathy that your clients deserve. It’s about taking that crucial step towards more effective, informed, and compassionate client care.