Trauma thrives in silence.
Don't do this work alone.

Taking a trauma-informed approach means having regular supervision. It's just that simple.

You're in the right place if you've ever... 

  • Listened to someone's trauma story and had no one to debrief with about it afterward
  • Felt overwhelmed by the magnitude of the trauma in your clients' lives
  • Had trouble leaving work at work, or trouble sleeping because of thinking about clients
  • Thought that someone's trauma experiences might be impacting your work with them, but not been sure how - or what to do about it
  • Been concerned that your organisation doesn't provide enough support

Hi there! I'm Jo.

I'm a registered psychologist with 10+ years experience working in client-facing roles with people who have experienced trauma. I strongly believe in the importance of supervision for anyone who encounters trauma in their work - regardless of their professional background - and am a strong advocate for increasing the reach of trauma-informed practice across professional disciplines.

I've been in work roles where supervision didn't exist - for lack of time, lack of understanding of its importance, lack of resources. Whatever the reason, when supervision isn't available I know that it's harder, and less enjoyable, to stay in the work.

Your contribution is important, and you deserve to be supported in it.

What is Supervision?

If you haven't had supervision before, it might be an unfamiliar term. 

Although it can sound scary, it's actually just meeting with someone to reflect on your practice, so that they can help you:

  • improve your skills
  • resolve ethical dilemmas
  • put things in place to protect your wellbeing

What happens in Supervision?

I work from a person-centred approach, where our sessions are based on what you need at the time.

We can talk about:

  • how you feel about your work
  • how you feel about your clients
  • how your clients' trauma might be impacting their work with you
  • what you can do to reduce the impact of your work on your wellbeing
  • anything else that is making it harder for you to do your job as well as you can

What are the benefits?

Many professions have requirements to complete a certain number of hours of supervision each year to maintain registration, but whether it is required or not, supervision can help you:

  •  gain clarity in your client work
  • feel supported
  • promote job satisfaction and career longevity 


Consultation Session


No ongoing commitment

Sometimes you just need someone to talk things through, no strings attached.


12-Session Package


Best Value

Monthly payment option ($175/month for 12 months) available.


6-Session Package


Save $110-200

Monthly payment option ($185/month for 6 months)